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7 Elements of Significant Performance Enhancement

Every piece of data tells a story. Research in the field by TMI Group and others has thrown up significant findings in the area of performance management.


While some variations from the expectation are normal, what has gone unnoticed are the huge gaps in people performance management.


FrontLine Workforce has one of the highest attrition and churn among all sets of employees. Why? Nature of the job, the process, or the manager?


Consider the below:

• Only 14% of the employees are of the opinion that performance reviews help inspire them to improve
• Performance variation among FrontLine Workforce in FMCG, FMCD, and BSFI sectors, is 25x


Time to enhance the performance of Performance Management?


When read together, the above two data points are an alarm for any HR manager handling a large frontline workforce. 


Work, workplace, and workforce have undergone significant changes in the last few years. Once a year outdated performance reviews are not helping the cause either.


Models, methods & technology


3 areas in performance need a significant revisit: models, methods, & use of technology.

Models: both reviewer and employee do not believe in the efficacy of the model as it does not reflect the role. These models do not focus on the role of the individual in the system.


Methods: the performance metrics, data gathering, and analysis lead to significant errors. Performance management should focus on the individual. But, the current methods focus on the cohort and fit them in the group or curve.


Technology: performance analytics need to use the gains in technology to help gather and analyze the data more in-depth. Design performance management using the right tools that focus on the individual employee.




What are the 7 Elements of Significant Performance Enhancement?

TMI Group has identified 7 elements that will enhance performance management, especially among FrontLine Executives and Managers (FLEM).

These are:

  1. Performance Modelling
  2. The right measurable metrics
  3. Real-time measurement & data gathering
  4. Root-cause task identification
  5. Real-time learning of corrective action
  6. Helpful enabling environment
  7. Performance analytics and visualization

TMI Group implemented the above with some of our clients. We helped build a strong performance management system that is objective, individual-focused, and contributed by reducing hiring costs and attrition while increasing productivity.

Our research revealed these 7 elements. What elements do you suggest to enhance performance enhancement?

You may have contra viewpoints or evidence to support these views. Both are equally important.

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